Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Nathaniel!!!

Hey everybody, can you believe my "little" brother is 15 today!?!?! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!

My he has grown up so much in the last year. And I don't just mean in height. He has matured, and become such a wonderful friend. I do admit he has his days, but then so do I.

This young man has so many accomplishments, people should be clamoring for his autograph. He has loaded an entire field of square hay bales onto a rack by himself. (driving, lifting and stacking) He has built some pretty genius make-things-easier-on-people gadgets, and done tons of work on our house. He bakes cookies, with them NEVER getting burnt. He helps his technology illiterate sisters, a lot. He has several younger friends at church who look up to him, and again, I'm not just talking about height. He is wonderful at organizing games to play within a group. He learned to ski this winter, and made it all the way down the big hill. Next year he'll do it without falling to stop. (lol!) And he makes some totally trump all LEGO houses.

Oh, and did I mention that he is strong enough to carry any of his "big" sisters around? Yeah, this guy I'm telling you about is amazing. And he is my brother. I love him. And that's all there is to it.


Daniel and Rachel said...

Happy Birthday!!! :)

Sarah said...

Cyyyynthiaaaa... Where are you????

=P C'mon girl! New post! We want to hear about ur life! =D