Wednesday, July 15, 2009

She Said YES!!!!!

Kinda a strange title, but it is true! Last Friday Jonathan proposed to his girlfriend, Bethany, and she said yes! They will be married on August 14th 2010 (if my sources are correct).

To get the full story you will have to ask one of those 2, but here is my take on it......

Jonathan had leave for 2 weeks and spent majority of that time in the Omaha and Norfolk areas with Bethany and her family. He did come up to Salem on the 2nd in time for the Haugaard's Fireworks fellowship. And returned again on the 8th, for the remaining 4 days of leave.
I learned of his plans when he had kicked Nathaniel out of the computer room so he could talk to Mom in private. After she came out I asked her if something was wrong, cause she was all serious and quiet. Her answer was "things are as good as they can be right now." And I knew instantly what was up. ! ! ! ! !
So then disguising his leaving the house for several hours in a trip to Madison with Nathaniel (to get his concealed weapons permit) he drove to Sioux Falls to pick up the ring. (He did go to Madison as well, that wasn't just a cover up. He had gone the day before to apply for the permit, and was getting it that day. I think its hilarious that someone with the level of clearance he has, he still has to get a concealed weapons permit. lol!)
When he got back, Anika and Bethany had gone on a walk, so he and I went to florist shop and he bought her a rose. His plan was that at different times throughout the day (Friday) we would give Bethany a present from him. (We'd be at Crazy Days, so he couldn't do it himself.) And the first one would be the rose at 8 am.
So we had fun at the mall, with Anika keeping track of time and the gifts. Which I think Bethany was tickled pink by. Then at 6 or so they left for Sioux Falls, again for a date at Michael's Steakhouse; driving a rented car, that was found by my suggestion (hehehe!)
I had to work that afternoon, and when I got home, Daddy and Mom left with Bethany's dog, Dusty and the ring. The plan was that Dusty would deliver the ring to Bethany.
And that worked out really well, even though when Bethany first saw Dusty she was upset, thinking Dusty had bit someone.
So, yeah, thats the story, and I'm pretty excited! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(pictures will be added soon, their not working properly right now)


Daniel and Rachel said...

Congrats!! :) I'm happy for all of you...8/14/2010 huh...yeah, we won't reveal who your "sources" are ;) Never know what you'll learn at potlucks on Sundays!!

Emily Mitton said...

YAY!! That's so exciting!! It's so awesome when the family starts "expanding" and you get to know a "long lost sibling"-in-law. :)

Gene and Penni Schacherer said...

That is great news. I am so happy for them.