Thursday, January 1, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! 2009 is here already? My how time does fly! It seems I was just excited about going to Oregon, and that was way back in February!
Memories are the only thing left of 2008. Some good, some not quite...

I rejoiced in the marriages of 3 of my dear friends, grimaced over getting braces, had fun adventures with friends, giggled for joy from having 30 baby lambs, cried when so many died, congratulated graduating friends, and celebrated my dear parents 25 years together, and experienced a revival of my heart.

Now my calender is empty, no photos of my adventures, memories unmade, ready for a new year. With God leading the way, 2009 is going to better than any before!


Sarah said...

Yay! Cynthia posted!!

=) Happy New Year to you too! Hope you'll have even better adventures and memories this year. Luv ya!

Sarah said...

btw.... ur not on my blog followers list. What gives? =O Don't you like me? =(

Cynthia said...

I am following your blog. its just not showing up.
When i went to follow it, it says I already am.

Cynthia said...

there we go. now I got to show me!

Sarah said...

YAY!!!! Cynthia is following me!!!! =) Sowwy. I didn't realize you were.

Hey we missed you Sunday! Are you coming tomorrow?

Cynthia said...

no, we went to Yankton to visit a friend and didn't get back in time... But I WILL be there this Sunday!