Hello very tired of waiting for new post friends. I have returned from the land of the internet unknown. (Where ever that is.)
It is now 7 days until Christmas, and much has happened in the last almost 2 months.
Way back on November 9th I turned 21 years old. I was really excited, like I always get, but I was once again reminded that it doesn't really matter once you are past age 12. *sigh* Dad and Mom gave me some really nice Thomas Kinkade light thingys. They're pictures turned into statue decor, with lights inside. So far I have 8 different pieces. Katrina made me a cake with Butterfinger candy on it. It was good. My friend Paula and her boys gave me a bag of hot drinks(cocoa, tea, cider mix) and a Purple Mustang with Flames!!!!!!!!!!! (It was a matchbox car. None-the-less, it is a car.)
The following Sunday was the Thanksgiving Banquet at church, and it was wonderful as always. My dear friend Melissa was home from IN for a week or so, and she sang "Amazing Grace" with her grandma. It sounded so sweet and precious.
We had Thanksgiving in a very different way this year. Rather than the usual turkey, potatoes, lefse, etc, we had Duck Stir-Fry! Nathaniel had gone hunting during youth season and shot 6 duck, which our game warden neighbor marinated for him. It was awesome!
December 2nd was an incredibly awesome day, because I got my top row of braces off!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The orthodontist said the bottom row might have to stay on til February, or even March. :(
With my braces off, my smile was much more confident, and I was able to get my drivers license renewed before it expired. So I am now a legal adult!
AND the most recent of all excitement................................(drum roll please!)
I bought my first car! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Its a Green 1999 Grand Am SE and its AWESOME!!!!!!! It was a really good deal, and the only thing negative about it, is a dent right behind the driver side door. But thats not a big problem. I am so happy to FINALLY have my very own car. Now I don't have to drive the van to Sioux Falls every day. WOOT WOOT!
(OR according to Nathaniel I should write, Honk Honk, because trains say "Woot woot". )
Christmas is coming up soon, and the plan is to go to Grandpas house in MN. All 3 of us girls have to work Christmas Eve, so we will drive up Christmas Day. And then Anika and I will come back the 26th, cause she works that evening, and I work that night.
God is good, even when I don't deserve it. The only reason I can think of for why is that He has a plan, and somehow I fit in.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
First Year Anniversary!
Well people, today was my one year anniversary with this blog. YAY!!! I have discovered that I'm not the best blogger in the world, but I can still do it.
My goal with this blog was to be a witness, and just like in life, I have slacked off. :( But I am still here, and not quitting just because of that.
Anyways, not much to say, except 'yay me.' Good night everyone. :)
My goal with this blog was to be a witness, and just like in life, I have slacked off. :( But I am still here, and not quitting just because of that.
Anyways, not much to say, except 'yay me.' Good night everyone. :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My Daycare Made The News!!!!
Since April I have worked at Apple Tree Children's Center in Sioux Falls. And several weeks ago Apple Tree had an all center contest to get the word out about H1N1 flu prevention. We were to do as much as possible to provide visual aids to educate people about H1N1. We literally went hog wild. (Well, I did) And, our center won!!!! As part of the prize we got to be interviewed by KELO.
AND we get a pizza and ice cream party. (Be jealous).
Anyways, in the video it shows a very short clip of my very own, Dr Pork. :) (Yes, I am a little proud.)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Here Comes the Bride.........
So, most of my readers may not know them, but my friends Dusty and Kaytie were married on October 2nd, in Mitchell SD. *tear*
If anyone was a perfect match, it was them. These 2 wonderful people have been good friends since The Flood. (Well, not quite, just for like 12 or so years.)
From the story Kaytie told me, Dusty has planned to marry her since she was 16 (8 years ago), and was waiting til she was 21 to date her. They began dating then very shortly after her birthday last year, and then on July 11th he asked her to marry him.
Now, I must tell you a few things about this adorable couple. First off they were 8 or so when they met at Bible Camp-the same one my siblings and I go too every year. Pastor Neil, the camp director has been teasing poor Kaytie about Dusty ever since before I met them many years ago. Dusty was very careful never to let on that Pastor Neil was right about them. LOL!!!!!!
But, it wasn't only Pastor Neil that teased her, it was pretty much EVERYBODY at camp that knew them. Except me, I just let them be friends. Obviously, Kaytie was in the dark, so stop bothering her. Go tease the daylights out of Dusty for once!
Well, once they actually DID start dating, people stopped asking! Ironic. And hilarious. Course, being her friend, she told me the whole story. :)
AND I called it that Dusty would propose when he did. If you don't believe me, ask Katrina.
When Jonathan was home, and I learned of His proposal plans, I said to Katrina, "wouldn't it be so awesome and adorable if Dusty proposed this weekend too?" Never thinking he would. But then on Monday I get a voicemail on my phone from Kaytie. "Hi I was just calling to tell you that Dusty asked me to marry him this weekend, and I said yes." Let me tell you, I squealed and laughed the whole way home from work. WOOT WOOT!!!!!
When I talked to her on the phone shortly there after, she asked if I would be the photographer. Cause they had both liked the pictures I had taken for Anika's graduation. AHHHHH!!!! Me a wedding photographer?!?!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!
Several weeks later, Pastor Neil's church hosted a youth hiking trip in the Black Hills, and of course we (my family, Kaytie, Dusty, etc) were invited. And I was so afraid I'd spill the beans about them being engaged, cause they were going to tell Pastor Neil in person.
Well they finally did, and he was so happy. Some of the older gals that were also there, about killed us trying to get out of the van and over to Kaytie.
During the hiking trip they asked Pastor Neil to officiate, and then they began their "premarital counselling". :) lol.
So, finally the day before the wedding came, and I was there at the rehearsal. Which was a WHOLE bunch of fun!!! (If you knew Pastor Neil you would know what fun really is, then add Dusty and his brother Jason, and its even better.) Afterward, when they were giving their gifts to the wedding party, etc, Kaytie said she had learned a few things today. ...."and the next time we get married, Nehemiah[Torberson] is not allowed to be in the wedding." That was because he had made them late for the rehearsal.
I survived being the photographer, so maybe I'll make a business venture out of it. Thats a really big maybe, just so ya know.
Anika got mentioned during Pastor Neil's "personal remarks". It was because she had had to cover up that Dusty and Kaytie were dating, so they could tell him themselves, by pretending to not know anything. Like they were "just friends, nothing more." Pastor said "and up til a couple months ago, Anika Larson didn't believe it." Go Anika!
Anyways, that is my early October news. Maybe I will share some photos of them, if I can find some good ones. (I've been stealing photos of them since I got my camera, so I should have a bunch. :) )
edit: here is my absolute favorite one. (Pre Mrs Schuurmans' help on photo shop)
If anyone was a perfect match, it was them. These 2 wonderful people have been good friends since The Flood. (Well, not quite, just for like 12 or so years.)
From the story Kaytie told me, Dusty has planned to marry her since she was 16 (8 years ago), and was waiting til she was 21 to date her. They began dating then very shortly after her birthday last year, and then on July 11th he asked her to marry him.
Now, I must tell you a few things about this adorable couple. First off they were 8 or so when they met at Bible Camp-the same one my siblings and I go too every year. Pastor Neil, the camp director has been teasing poor Kaytie about Dusty ever since before I met them many years ago. Dusty was very careful never to let on that Pastor Neil was right about them. LOL!!!!!!
But, it wasn't only Pastor Neil that teased her, it was pretty much EVERYBODY at camp that knew them. Except me, I just let them be friends. Obviously, Kaytie was in the dark, so stop bothering her. Go tease the daylights out of Dusty for once!
Well, once they actually DID start dating, people stopped asking! Ironic. And hilarious. Course, being her friend, she told me the whole story. :)
AND I called it that Dusty would propose when he did. If you don't believe me, ask Katrina.
When Jonathan was home, and I learned of His proposal plans, I said to Katrina, "wouldn't it be so awesome and adorable if Dusty proposed this weekend too?" Never thinking he would. But then on Monday I get a voicemail on my phone from Kaytie. "Hi I was just calling to tell you that Dusty asked me to marry him this weekend, and I said yes." Let me tell you, I squealed and laughed the whole way home from work. WOOT WOOT!!!!!
When I talked to her on the phone shortly there after, she asked if I would be the photographer. Cause they had both liked the pictures I had taken for Anika's graduation. AHHHHH!!!! Me a wedding photographer?!?!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!
Several weeks later, Pastor Neil's church hosted a youth hiking trip in the Black Hills, and of course we (my family, Kaytie, Dusty, etc) were invited. And I was so afraid I'd spill the beans about them being engaged, cause they were going to tell Pastor Neil in person.
Well they finally did, and he was so happy. Some of the older gals that were also there, about killed us trying to get out of the van and over to Kaytie.
During the hiking trip they asked Pastor Neil to officiate, and then they began their "premarital counselling". :) lol.
So, finally the day before the wedding came, and I was there at the rehearsal. Which was a WHOLE bunch of fun!!! (If you knew Pastor Neil you would know what fun really is, then add Dusty and his brother Jason, and its even better.) Afterward, when they were giving their gifts to the wedding party, etc, Kaytie said she had learned a few things today. ...."and the next time we get married, Nehemiah[Torberson] is not allowed to be in the wedding." That was because he had made them late for the rehearsal.
I survived being the photographer, so maybe I'll make a business venture out of it. Thats a really big maybe, just so ya know.
Anika got mentioned during Pastor Neil's "personal remarks". It was because she had had to cover up that Dusty and Kaytie were dating, so they could tell him themselves, by pretending to not know anything. Like they were "just friends, nothing more." Pastor said "and up til a couple months ago, Anika Larson didn't believe it." Go Anika!
Anyways, that is my early October news. Maybe I will share some photos of them, if I can find some good ones. (I've been stealing photos of them since I got my camera, so I should have a bunch. :) )
edit: here is my absolute favorite one. (Pre Mrs Schuurmans' help on photo shop)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Pray Request
I feel I can now logically write about something that has been on my heart, and mind, (not to mention prayer list) for over a month.
You'll remember I went on a 2 week missions trip to Bogota' Colombia last February. The place I was at was Children's Vision International, Inc.
Well, early in July I was told about a need they have there for long term missionaries, not just short term teams. Specifically they need staff members to care for the children, and an assistant for their English teacher. This would be a commitment of one year.
It was suggested to me that I go and assist the English teacher(that appears to be the more urgent need). So I talked about it with my parents, and prayed. Then I began writing a pros and cons list. What is happening that would prevent me from going? What would prompt me to go? The list was rather lengthy. There are many factors that would have to fall into place before I could make a commitment to go.
The main one is, "Is this God's will for me?" That is the biggest thing I've been praying about each day. To know that what I'm doing is within God's plan for my life. I don't want to say yes, and then go and be completely miserable because I'm outside of God's will. But I also do not want to say no and miss out on God's blessings.
I do know that I could not commit to an entire year, and have asked if 6 months is okay. Which they said was fine. This would have me there for one school semester. If I went it would be sometime in January to late June/early July.
So what I would ask from you my friends is your prayers concerning this topic. Pray that God would show his will to me. Pray for a peace of mind, no matter which way I decide. Also pray that things would happen that would prepare me for the future, no matter what.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You'll remember I went on a 2 week missions trip to Bogota' Colombia last February. The place I was at was Children's Vision International, Inc.
Well, early in July I was told about a need they have there for long term missionaries, not just short term teams. Specifically they need staff members to care for the children, and an assistant for their English teacher. This would be a commitment of one year.
It was suggested to me that I go and assist the English teacher(that appears to be the more urgent need). So I talked about it with my parents, and prayed. Then I began writing a pros and cons list. What is happening that would prevent me from going? What would prompt me to go? The list was rather lengthy. There are many factors that would have to fall into place before I could make a commitment to go.
The main one is, "Is this God's will for me?" That is the biggest thing I've been praying about each day. To know that what I'm doing is within God's plan for my life. I don't want to say yes, and then go and be completely miserable because I'm outside of God's will. But I also do not want to say no and miss out on God's blessings.
I do know that I could not commit to an entire year, and have asked if 6 months is okay. Which they said was fine. This would have me there for one school semester. If I went it would be sometime in January to late June/early July.
So what I would ask from you my friends is your prayers concerning this topic. Pray that God would show his will to me. Pray for a peace of mind, no matter which way I decide. Also pray that things would happen that would prepare me for the future, no matter what.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
She Said YES!!!!!
Kinda a strange title, but it is true! Last Friday Jonathan proposed to his girlfriend, Bethany, and she said yes! They will be married on August 14th 2010 (if my sources are correct).
To get the full story you will have to ask one of those 2, but here is my take on it......
Jonathan had leave for 2 weeks and spent majority of that time in the Omaha and Norfolk areas with Bethany and her family. He did come up to Salem on the 2nd in time for the Haugaard's Fireworks fellowship. And returned again on the 8th, for the remaining 4 days of leave.
I learned of his plans when he had kicked Nathaniel out of the computer room so he could talk to Mom in private. After she came out I asked her if something was wrong, cause she was all serious and quiet. Her answer was "things are as good as they can be right now." And I knew instantly what was up. ! ! ! ! !
So then disguising his leaving the house for several hours in a trip to Madison with Nathaniel (to get his concealed weapons permit) he drove to Sioux Falls to pick up the ring. (He did go to Madison as well, that wasn't just a cover up. He had gone the day before to apply for the permit, and was getting it that day. I think its hilarious that someone with the level of clearance he has, he still has to get a concealed weapons permit. lol!)
When he got back, Anika and Bethany had gone on a walk, so he and I went to florist shop and he bought her a rose. His plan was that at different times throughout the day (Friday) we would give Bethany a present from him. (We'd be at Crazy Days, so he couldn't do it himself.) And the first one would be the rose at 8 am.
So we had fun at the mall, with Anika keeping track of time and the gifts. Which I think Bethany was tickled pink by. Then at 6 or so they left for Sioux Falls, again for a date at Michael's Steakhouse; driving a rented car, that was found by my suggestion (hehehe!)
I had to work that afternoon, and when I got home, Daddy and Mom left with Bethany's dog, Dusty and the ring. The plan was that Dusty would deliver the ring to Bethany.
And that worked out really well, even though when Bethany first saw Dusty she was upset, thinking Dusty had bit someone.
So, yeah, thats the story, and I'm pretty excited! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(pictures will be added soon, their not working properly right now)
To get the full story you will have to ask one of those 2, but here is my take on it......
Jonathan had leave for 2 weeks and spent majority of that time in the Omaha and Norfolk areas with Bethany and her family. He did come up to Salem on the 2nd in time for the Haugaard's Fireworks fellowship. And returned again on the 8th, for the remaining 4 days of leave.
I learned of his plans when he had kicked Nathaniel out of the computer room so he could talk to Mom in private. After she came out I asked her if something was wrong, cause she was all serious and quiet. Her answer was "things are as good as they can be right now." And I knew instantly what was up. ! ! ! ! !
So then disguising his leaving the house for several hours in a trip to Madison with Nathaniel (to get his concealed weapons permit) he drove to Sioux Falls to pick up the ring. (He did go to Madison as well, that wasn't just a cover up. He had gone the day before to apply for the permit, and was getting it that day. I think its hilarious that someone with the level of clearance he has, he still has to get a concealed weapons permit. lol!)
When he got back, Anika and Bethany had gone on a walk, so he and I went to florist shop and he bought her a rose. His plan was that at different times throughout the day (Friday) we would give Bethany a present from him. (We'd be at Crazy Days, so he couldn't do it himself.) And the first one would be the rose at 8 am.
So we had fun at the mall, with Anika keeping track of time and the gifts. Which I think Bethany was tickled pink by. Then at 6 or so they left for Sioux Falls, again for a date at Michael's Steakhouse; driving a rented car, that was found by my suggestion (hehehe!)
I had to work that afternoon, and when I got home, Daddy and Mom left with Bethany's dog, Dusty and the ring. The plan was that Dusty would deliver the ring to Bethany.
And that worked out really well, even though when Bethany first saw Dusty she was upset, thinking Dusty had bit someone.
So, yeah, thats the story, and I'm pretty excited! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(pictures will be added soon, their not working properly right now)
Friday, July 10, 2009
God's Beautiful Promise
:11 And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all
flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither
shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make
between me and you and every living creature that is
with you, for perpetual generations:
:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token
of a covenant between me and the earth.
:14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
:15 And I shall remember my covenant, which is between
me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters
shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
:16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it,
that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God
and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
Genesis 9:11-16
flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither
shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.
:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make
between me and you and every living creature that is
with you, for perpetual generations:
:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token
of a covenant between me and the earth.
:14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth,
that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:
:15 And I shall remember my covenant, which is between
me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters
shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
:16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it,
that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God
and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
Genesis 9:11-16
The other day we had a very hard storm come through and drench the farm. Daddy, Anika and I happened to all be out there, and had to wait out the storm in the house. We were pretty upset, because there is hay on the ground that needed to be baled the next day, that will probably be ruined now. Hay that gets wet, gets moldy and is then bad for sheep. :(
But then after the 10 minutes of rain was over we went outside and saw a beautiful sight. Just to the east of the farm was a very vivid rainbow. It was not even an eighth of a mile away. We could see the bottoms on both ends.
It was a beautiful reminder that God still cares. That he has remembered his promise that he made with the world so long ago. He will never wipe out the earth with a flood. Though rains come, and the hay is wet, his promise still holds.
I am so glad to have a God who makes and keeps his covenant promises. And remembers them in such a beautiful way.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
(Boring name, I know) I am the worst blogger on earth. Sorry peoples.
So, if a picture is worth a thousand words, may I give you several?
The month started with the 3 of us girls driving with a friend to Nebraska for our friend Natalie's graduation. That was a lot of fun!
Katrina apparently thinks I need to get married, so she made a significant other for me to bring home. His name is Sebastian Octavius. His work ethic was rather low, as evidenced by his couch potato belly, so Daddy told him No, and he was deflated.
My sheep have been lambing this month. So far we have 12 ewes, and 10 rams! Only 3 have died, and 2 ewes are bottle lambs. I praise God for such a healthy lambing season.
One very sad thing though, is that my bottle lamb from February, Naomi died. :( Daddy said she probably over ate on the fresh grass.
On the 20th we went to Kramer's Auction in Sioux Falls and sold a bunch of rabbits, goats and sheep. That was a rather pathetic day. We got not even half of what we were told to expect for the whethers. And the rabbits weren't even the cardboard of the boxes they were in. So we were quite disappointed.
And the last big harrah of the month was Bible Camp!
Camp is held at the Beautiful Richmond Lake Youth Camp grounds near Aberdeen, SD
All of us kids have gone for many years. This was my second year as a counselor.
Brother Dave Young has been one of the speakers for 3 years now. He's GREAT!
Every evening there is a funny skit before the service. The first one ended with an emergency room visit. "Leonardo" cut his hand on the door window when he was leaving at the end. That was Not part of the script.
And every afternoon we had sports. Kickball, T Rex Tag, Tube Tug, Spokewheel, Big Ball, etc.
At Midnight Madness we had pop drinking races, donut eating races, and of course the scary person under the table race. (I was the person under the table this year, and as such got cool whip thrown at me by another counselor, "Jimmy"........)
And Pastor Neil, the Camp Director is so much fun. We all love him.
After our traditional "Cooks Parade" we had them gather for a picture. They are awesome.
And Anika was one of the Camp Champs this year!
I love Camp.
So, if a picture is worth a thousand words, may I give you several?
The month started with the 3 of us girls driving with a friend to Nebraska for our friend Natalie's graduation. That was a lot of fun!
My sheep have been lambing this month. So far we have 12 ewes, and 10 rams! Only 3 have died, and 2 ewes are bottle lambs. I praise God for such a healthy lambing season.
One very sad thing though, is that my bottle lamb from February, Naomi died. :( Daddy said she probably over ate on the fresh grass.
On the 20th we went to Kramer's Auction in Sioux Falls and sold a bunch of rabbits, goats and sheep. That was a rather pathetic day. We got not even half of what we were told to expect for the whethers. And the rabbits weren't even the cardboard of the boxes they were in. So we were quite disappointed.
And the last big harrah of the month was Bible Camp!
Camp is held at the Beautiful Richmond Lake Youth Camp grounds near Aberdeen, SD
All of us kids have gone for many years. This was my second year as a counselor.
Brother Dave Young has been one of the speakers for 3 years now. He's GREAT!
Every evening there is a funny skit before the service. The first one ended with an emergency room visit. "Leonardo" cut his hand on the door window when he was leaving at the end. That was Not part of the script.
And every afternoon we had sports. Kickball, T Rex Tag, Tube Tug, Spokewheel, Big Ball, etc.
At Midnight Madness we had pop drinking races, donut eating races, and of course the scary person under the table race. (I was the person under the table this year, and as such got cool whip thrown at me by another counselor, "Jimmy"........)
And Pastor Neil, the Camp Director is so much fun. We all love him.
After our traditional "Cooks Parade" we had them gather for a picture. They are awesome.
And Anika was one of the Camp Champs this year!
I love Camp.
Monday, May 25, 2009
And Moses said unto the people,
Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt,
out of the house of bondage;
for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place:
Ex 13:3

Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt,
out of the house of bondage;
for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place:
Ex 13:3
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Ex 20:8
Ex 20:8
But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:
for [it is] he that giveth thee power to get wealth,
that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto
thy fathers, as [it is] this day.
Duet 8:18
for [it is] he that giveth thee power to get wealth,
that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto
thy fathers, as [it is] this day.
Duet 8:18
Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations:
ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
Duet 32:7
ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
Duet 32:7
Remember his marvellous works that he hath done,
his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;
1Chr 16:12
his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;
1Chr 16:12
All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD:
and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
Ps. 22:27
and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
Ps. 22:27
I will remember the works of the LORD:
surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
Ps. 77:11
surely I will remember thy wonders of old.
Ps. 77:11
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
Eccl 12:1
while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
Eccl 12:1
Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth,
and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.
Eze 16:60
and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.
Eze 16:60
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Heb 8:12
and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Heb 8:12
The word "Remember" is used 148 times in the KJV Bible. We are charged to remember the past. Our heritage, our mistakes, our commands, and our protectors. God remembers his people, and is always ready to help them, if they will but remember him. But he also promises to forget our sins when we repent and call to him. We have so much to remember and be thankful for this day, and every day of our lives.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
okay, I'm back
Sorry I didn't write for a month. Nothing interesting has happened. Well, actually they did, just not something I'd take time to write. So I'll list them. :)
1. I began working at a daycare in Sioux Falls.
2. Went to an AWESOME Bright Lights Conference.
3. Dear friends are leaving. :(
4. Lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks :) :)
5. Figured out an arrangement of Jesus, I Am Resting.
6. Went to a State 4-H Leaders Meeting with Mommy.
7. Started teaching the second year of 4-H Dog Obedience class in McCook County.
8. Really miss my Melissa who is gone for 2 weeks. :(
And now I am out of time. I have to leave for work, but maybe tonight I can elaborate on my list. :)
1. I began working at a daycare in Sioux Falls.
2. Went to an AWESOME Bright Lights Conference.
3. Dear friends are leaving. :(
4. Lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks :) :)
5. Figured out an arrangement of Jesus, I Am Resting.
6. Went to a State 4-H Leaders Meeting with Mommy.
7. Started teaching the second year of 4-H Dog Obedience class in McCook County.
8. Really miss my Melissa who is gone for 2 weeks. :(
And now I am out of time. I have to leave for work, but maybe tonight I can elaborate on my list. :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Nathaniel!!!
Hey everybody, can you believe my "little" brother is 15 today!?!?! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!!
My he has grown up so much in the last year. And I don't just mean in height. He has matured, and become such a wonderful friend. I do admit he has his days, but then so do I.
This young man has so many accomplishments, people should be clamoring for his autograph. He has loaded an entire field of square hay bales onto a rack by himself. (driving, lifting and stacking) He has built some pretty genius make-things-easier-on-people gadgets, and done tons of work on our house. He bakes cookies, with them NEVER getting burnt. He helps his technology illiterate sisters, a lot. He has several younger friends at church who look up to him, and again, I'm not just talking about height. He is wonderful at organizing games to play within a group. He learned to ski this winter, and made it all the way down the big hill. Next year he'll do it without falling to stop. (lol!) And he makes some totally trump all LEGO houses.
Oh, and did I mention that he is strong enough to carry any of his "big" sisters around? Yeah, this guy I'm telling you about is amazing. And he is my brother. I love him. And that's all there is to it.

My he has grown up so much in the last year. And I don't just mean in height. He has matured, and become such a wonderful friend. I do admit he has his days, but then so do I.
This young man has so many accomplishments, people should be clamoring for his autograph. He has loaded an entire field of square hay bales onto a rack by himself. (driving, lifting and stacking) He has built some pretty genius make-things-easier-on-people gadgets, and done tons of work on our house. He bakes cookies, with them NEVER getting burnt. He helps his technology illiterate sisters, a lot. He has several younger friends at church who look up to him, and again, I'm not just talking about height. He is wonderful at organizing games to play within a group. He learned to ski this winter, and made it all the way down the big hill. Next year he'll do it without falling to stop. (lol!) And he makes some totally trump all LEGO houses.
Oh, and did I mention that he is strong enough to carry any of his "big" sisters around? Yeah, this guy I'm telling you about is amazing. And he is my brother. I love him. And that's all there is to it.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Waiting for Spring
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I am not a winter person. I would rather have it be scorching hot with lots of humidity than to be cold. Call me weird, but hey, I grew up in Phoenix, AZ and to us cold was 50 degrees. Having been in a warm country for 2 weeks in February, and getting a sunburn was a nice break from the sub zero temps we had lately. But it made me long for spring even more. Everytime people say its supposed to be cold, or snowy I just remind them that April is on its way, and anything we get now will be gone very soon. YAY!!!!! I love spring!
My favorite part of early spring is seeing and hearing black birds in the trees. On the farm all summer long we'd have huge flocks of birds in the trees. They'd sit and sing, and then all at once they would fly to another tree. The rush of their wings is one of my favorite sounds in nature. And to have them come in March and begin their summer long visit brings me hope that it will be warm soon.
The flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
Song of Solomon 2:12
the time of the singing of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
Song of Solomon 2:12
And he changeth the times and the seasons:
he removeth kings,
and setteth up kings:
he giveth wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding:
Deuteronomy 2:21
he removeth kings,
and setteth up kings:
he giveth wisdom unto the wise,
and knowledge to them that know understanding:
Deuteronomy 2:21
Then I will give you rain in due season,
and the land shall yield her increase,
and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Leviticus 26:4
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and the land shall yield her increase,
and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Leviticus 26:4
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
How Ye Ought To Answer
Colossians 4:5-6
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without,
redeeming the time.
Let your speech be alway with grace,
seasoned with salt,
that you may know how ye ought to answer every man.
A few weeks ago I heard these verses read, and they really stuck with me. I read them over and over, pondering them each time. And the parts of "redeeming the time" and "that you may know how ye ought to answer every man" really jump out. I have found myself in so many situations where the conversation is about something I feel strongly about, yet it goes beyond my ability to converse intelligently quite soon. Abortion, modesty, creation, God and the Bible in general, for example. All are things I think I know so much about, yet when I'm talking with somebody about it, I realize I know hardly anything. And then here are these verses that tell us to know how to answer people. There is another verse that says something similar.
1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:
and be ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a reason
of the hope that is in you
with meekness and fear:
"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh of you" Well, I'm usually not ready, because I don't have an answer. I never thought through WHY I believed what I did.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
We can interpret this verse to mean to study the Word of God, but we also need to study the world around us. So we know the Truth, inside and out, by seeing what is truth (God's Word) and what is false (the world).
Specifically I am challenged to study the issues of my day, that I view from God's stand point. But to give an intelligent argument I need to know the other side, so I can counter it with the Truth. But I also need to speak with grace. Not condemning someone for their belief, but in Christ's Love sharing the truth. In so doing I am redeeming the time for God's Kingdom.
Walk in wisdom toward them that are without,
redeeming the time.
Let your speech be alway with grace,
seasoned with salt,
that you may know how ye ought to answer every man.
A few weeks ago I heard these verses read, and they really stuck with me. I read them over and over, pondering them each time. And the parts of "redeeming the time" and "that you may know how ye ought to answer every man" really jump out. I have found myself in so many situations where the conversation is about something I feel strongly about, yet it goes beyond my ability to converse intelligently quite soon. Abortion, modesty, creation, God and the Bible in general, for example. All are things I think I know so much about, yet when I'm talking with somebody about it, I realize I know hardly anything. And then here are these verses that tell us to know how to answer people. There is another verse that says something similar.
1 Peter 3:15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:
and be ready always to give an answer
to every man that asketh you a reason
of the hope that is in you
with meekness and fear:
"Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh of you" Well, I'm usually not ready, because I don't have an answer. I never thought through WHY I believed what I did.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
We can interpret this verse to mean to study the Word of God, but we also need to study the world around us. So we know the Truth, inside and out, by seeing what is truth (God's Word) and what is false (the world).
Specifically I am challenged to study the issues of my day, that I view from God's stand point. But to give an intelligent argument I need to know the other side, so I can counter it with the Truth. But I also need to speak with grace. Not condemning someone for their belief, but in Christ's Love sharing the truth. In so doing I am redeeming the time for God's Kingdom.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Home Again!
I arrived home safely on Wednesday, after leaving Bogota on Tuesday. But let me back up a few days...
We got the school as finished as we could, and early Saturday we got to cleaning it for the dedication and open house. My morning was spent holding baby Angie, who was sent home from the hospital, but still needs lots of care. They asked the team to help with her, so they could get the other children ready for the dedication. I volunteered to help from 6-9 am, and then somebody else came over.
The dedication ceremony was wonderful. They had several of the kids tell what the school meant to them, and Ann, and Richard, and Jeanene all spoke. There was a husband and wife who were special guests, that also spoke. These people had donated much of the funds for building the school.
Then we had a big parade from the old school, to the new. With their little marching band leading the way, and the kids all walking by class. We sang the national anthems of Colombia, America, and England. And then they cut the ribbon, and people were invited in to tour the school.
Afterwards the team was invited to continue the celebration by going out for supper at a fancy restaurant. That was fun.
After church on Sunday we went to the Emerld store, and some of the people bought jewelry. I decided to wait until the next time I go to get anything.
On Monday we waited all morning for the call that the container had arrived. It was being kept at the shipping company, they had gotten it to Bogota, but weren't letting it come to CVII. So Jeanene had gone there, and finally they sent it to us, but divided out into 5 smaller trucks. When it arrived we all pitched in to get the boxes to their places. I was helping in the upper level of the garage, where the clothes, and shoes, and toys, and bedding, etc all go. The whole project took about 4 hours.
We celebrated Jeanene's birthday by making pizza for the kids. And somebody arranged for a Maranachi band to come play too. That was interesting, but of course all in spanish.
And we left on Tuesday morning. I flew in to Chicago, and then my aunt picked me up, and I spent the night with them. And flew into Rochester the next day, wit Mommy and the kids picking me up there. And I was so thankful to get to come to church that night.
We got the school as finished as we could, and early Saturday we got to cleaning it for the dedication and open house. My morning was spent holding baby Angie, who was sent home from the hospital, but still needs lots of care. They asked the team to help with her, so they could get the other children ready for the dedication. I volunteered to help from 6-9 am, and then somebody else came over.
The dedication ceremony was wonderful. They had several of the kids tell what the school meant to them, and Ann, and Richard, and Jeanene all spoke. There was a husband and wife who were special guests, that also spoke. These people had donated much of the funds for building the school.
Then we had a big parade from the old school, to the new. With their little marching band leading the way, and the kids all walking by class. We sang the national anthems of Colombia, America, and England. And then they cut the ribbon, and people were invited in to tour the school.
Afterwards the team was invited to continue the celebration by going out for supper at a fancy restaurant. That was fun.
After church on Sunday we went to the Emerld store, and some of the people bought jewelry. I decided to wait until the next time I go to get anything.
On Monday we waited all morning for the call that the container had arrived. It was being kept at the shipping company, they had gotten it to Bogota, but weren't letting it come to CVII. So Jeanene had gone there, and finally they sent it to us, but divided out into 5 smaller trucks. When it arrived we all pitched in to get the boxes to their places. I was helping in the upper level of the garage, where the clothes, and shoes, and toys, and bedding, etc all go. The whole project took about 4 hours.
We celebrated Jeanene's birthday by making pizza for the kids. And somebody arranged for a Maranachi band to come play too. That was interesting, but of course all in spanish.
And we left on Tuesday morning. I flew in to Chicago, and then my aunt picked me up, and I spent the night with them. And flew into Rochester the next day, wit Mommy and the kids picking me up there. And I was so thankful to get to come to church that night.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Faith is the Victory, that Overcomes the World!!!
And that has been the theme of my day, and in fact the entire time here! We have talked about faith everyday during devotions in some way or another.
The container was finally approved totally, and was shipped out by truck yesterday. And will arrive on Monday. That is an answer to our prayers, because if it arrived on Saturday the school´s dedication would be all messed up. So Monday will be our unload day.
The school will have the dedication tomorrow, but they won´t get to start school until later, because its not getting finished. ;( We are all a little upset, but Richard is the most upset, cause he really wanted it done. But we´ll still do the dedication ceremony and open house. Later this evening our team will go over and do a major cleaning for it to be ready.
We had some rain today, and so now the air is fresh and clean. It even hailed for a few minutes.
Please pray for baby Angie, I can´t remember if I told you about her. She has pneumonia and is in the hospital. They are really worried about her.
Also pray for the dedication tomorrow. We´ll be busy I´m sure.
The container was finally approved totally, and was shipped out by truck yesterday. And will arrive on Monday. That is an answer to our prayers, because if it arrived on Saturday the school´s dedication would be all messed up. So Monday will be our unload day.
The school will have the dedication tomorrow, but they won´t get to start school until later, because its not getting finished. ;( We are all a little upset, but Richard is the most upset, cause he really wanted it done. But we´ll still do the dedication ceremony and open house. Later this evening our team will go over and do a major cleaning for it to be ready.
We had some rain today, and so now the air is fresh and clean. It even hailed for a few minutes.
Please pray for baby Angie, I can´t remember if I told you about her. She has pneumonia and is in the hospital. They are really worried about her.
Also pray for the dedication tomorrow. We´ll be busy I´m sure.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I have never been as exhausted as today. We worked ALL day long in the back courtyard area of the school, moving heavy stuff from a storage room that actually is the library, into a newly built storage room. We had lots of people working on it, in an assembly line, but it was long and hot work. The day was very hot and sunny, so some of us are a little red. No, some of us are REALLY red. Ha! I´m already on my way to my first tan of the year!
We ended the afternoon with 2 of us girls scooping dirt into buckets, and another hauling it all the way to the front of the school to dump it. And for a little while she had to carry sand back to where we were, so it was heavy both ways.
There was another issue with the container today. The inspectors decided they needed to open and look through everything. So when we heard that we all prayed they would stop, and wouldn´t take anything. Later they told us that it was approved, and we don´t know if they took anything. But Jeanene had to get 68 signatures and notary seals for it to be released. (there are that many different merchandice catagories in the container) I don´t know if she was able to get them all or not. So pray for Jeanene, that she will be encouraged and able to accomplish everything they require of her.
We ended the afternoon with 2 of us girls scooping dirt into buckets, and another hauling it all the way to the front of the school to dump it. And for a little while she had to carry sand back to where we were, so it was heavy both ways.
There was another issue with the container today. The inspectors decided they needed to open and look through everything. So when we heard that we all prayed they would stop, and wouldn´t take anything. Later they told us that it was approved, and we don´t know if they took anything. But Jeanene had to get 68 signatures and notary seals for it to be released. (there are that many different merchandice catagories in the container) I don´t know if she was able to get them all or not. So pray for Jeanene, that she will be encouraged and able to accomplish everything they require of her.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A world away.....
Well there is finally a break in everything for me to write.
Yesterday I walked to a store with 3 of the team, to get groceries and other supplies. IT was a long and tiring walk. I think it was over 2 miles, one way. And that store is like a Colombian Walmart, it has Everything.
The work has come a LONG way since I got here on the school. They poured the cement for the back patio yesterday, and last night we moved the stuff onto the 4th floor. Then today we moved on the 3rd floor stuff. That was a lot of hard work, and we all are tired and sore. The older kids were there to help, and the boys carried the heavier things.
The smocks are almost finished. We have quite a few that are ready for the wrist elastic, and then they are done. And the others are all mostly done.
Tonight we are expecting another team to arrive. They are from Grand Rapids, and are mostly adults I think. So, since 3 of us girls had been using bottom bunks, we moved to top ones, so they wouldn´t have to climb.
The container has been released, and is going to arrive Saturday I think. Jeanene had flown to the port city to talk to the captain, and everything was approved. But then the computer wasn´t accepting the paperwork, and they were then able to override it. So we have been praising and thanking the Lord for that.
; )
Yesterday I walked to a store with 3 of the team, to get groceries and other supplies. IT was a long and tiring walk. I think it was over 2 miles, one way. And that store is like a Colombian Walmart, it has Everything.
The work has come a LONG way since I got here on the school. They poured the cement for the back patio yesterday, and last night we moved the stuff onto the 4th floor. Then today we moved on the 3rd floor stuff. That was a lot of hard work, and we all are tired and sore. The older kids were there to help, and the boys carried the heavier things.
The smocks are almost finished. We have quite a few that are ready for the wrist elastic, and then they are done. And the others are all mostly done.
Tonight we are expecting another team to arrive. They are from Grand Rapids, and are mostly adults I think. So, since 3 of us girls had been using bottom bunks, we moved to top ones, so they wouldn´t have to climb.
The container has been released, and is going to arrive Saturday I think. Jeanene had flown to the port city to talk to the captain, and everything was approved. But then the computer wasn´t accepting the paperwork, and they were then able to override it. So we have been praising and thanking the Lord for that.
; )
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hola from Bogota!
Well I have been in Bogota for 4 days, and I have been SOOOO busy! We are working hard to get the school done. The dedication and grand opening is on Saturday, and right now it looks like it´ll never be done. But the work is going fast. They waxed the 2nd floor today, and the 3rd and 4th a few days ago. Now its just the first floor and all the stuff needs moving in.
Today we fitted all the kids for their uniforms. The boys have pants, that needed hemming to be the right length. And the girls get pleated skirts or jumpers. And some of these needed hemming too, cause they were to skinny for their length.
We have also been sewing smocks for the little kids, for crafts and other things. They need about 40 of them, and we have all cut out, and in various stages of sewing.
The 3 houses, Bethel house, and the school are all in the same area, so its not far to go from one to the other. The Numbers house, where the girls are is the farthest, and is 2 blocks straight down from Bethel. It seems to get longer and longer each time you walk it.
I had brought with me a craft to do with the girls. It was to make decorated compostion notebooks, using scrapbooking stuff. Yesterday wasn´t as busy, so I was able to do it then. They were so cute, making them. Each one was different, and unique. I was so glad to be able to bring it for them.
The team that I am here with are from Albert Lea, MN and Bangor, WI (areas). There are a total of 13 of us in Bethel. Oh, theres also a gentleman from Ireland who is here until March. They are all really nice. And I learned today that the 2 gals who are younger than me, are homeschooled. So its been nice to have young people to talk too. There is also a gal who is about 22, who reminds me of Melissa. ( :) ) She is so full of life, and is so animated and loves to play with the kids. They are all really sweet.
Well, I should be wrapping this up, I need to get back to Bethel.
Oh, please be in prayer for their container. It was supposed to arrive on Tuesday. And it has a lot of clothes and shoes and school supplies that they need. But its been confiscated by the port because they didn´t file the papers correctly. (the shippers, not CVII) so pray that they can figure it out and get it here on time.
Today we fitted all the kids for their uniforms. The boys have pants, that needed hemming to be the right length. And the girls get pleated skirts or jumpers. And some of these needed hemming too, cause they were to skinny for their length.
We have also been sewing smocks for the little kids, for crafts and other things. They need about 40 of them, and we have all cut out, and in various stages of sewing.
The 3 houses, Bethel house, and the school are all in the same area, so its not far to go from one to the other. The Numbers house, where the girls are is the farthest, and is 2 blocks straight down from Bethel. It seems to get longer and longer each time you walk it.
I had brought with me a craft to do with the girls. It was to make decorated compostion notebooks, using scrapbooking stuff. Yesterday wasn´t as busy, so I was able to do it then. They were so cute, making them. Each one was different, and unique. I was so glad to be able to bring it for them.
The team that I am here with are from Albert Lea, MN and Bangor, WI (areas). There are a total of 13 of us in Bethel. Oh, theres also a gentleman from Ireland who is here until March. They are all really nice. And I learned today that the 2 gals who are younger than me, are homeschooled. So its been nice to have young people to talk too. There is also a gal who is about 22, who reminds me of Melissa. ( :) ) She is so full of life, and is so animated and loves to play with the kids. They are all really sweet.
Well, I should be wrapping this up, I need to get back to Bethel.
Oh, please be in prayer for their container. It was supposed to arrive on Tuesday. And it has a lot of clothes and shoes and school supplies that they need. But its been confiscated by the port because they didn´t file the papers correctly. (the shippers, not CVII) so pray that they can figure it out and get it here on time.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
2 Days!!!
Well it is only 2 days until I fly down to Bogota! ! ! ! ! And I am already gone from home. The weather is forecasted to really bad for travelling today and Monday, so to be sure I could actually get to the airport I had to leave yesterday. :( But I get to stay with my cousins for 3 days, so its not all bad. Haven't gotten to see them recently. :)
I will be flying out of the airport in Rochester, MN on Tuesday morning. Early. The flight will leave at 7:15 am, and I'll go to Chicago, then Miami and land in Bogota at 8:40 pm.
As the time to leave is coming closer and closer I am getting a little scared and nervous. I've never been away from home for more than a week, nor have I been this far from home. Or even to a foreign country! So I am excited and scared all at the same time. But I know it will all work out, God will take care of me. :)
There is an internet cafe' not to far from Children's Vision, that if I get the opportunity to go to I will make sure I write something here for you all. :)
I missed seeing and being able to say good bye to all my church family, but God had a purpose for me leaving earlier than planned. And who am I to argue?
Please be in prayer for me while I am at Children's Vision that God will use me for His glory. And that I will be a blessing to the children and staff.
I will be flying out of the airport in Rochester, MN on Tuesday morning. Early. The flight will leave at 7:15 am, and I'll go to Chicago, then Miami and land in Bogota at 8:40 pm.
As the time to leave is coming closer and closer I am getting a little scared and nervous. I've never been away from home for more than a week, nor have I been this far from home. Or even to a foreign country! So I am excited and scared all at the same time. But I know it will all work out, God will take care of me. :)
There is an internet cafe' not to far from Children's Vision, that if I get the opportunity to go to I will make sure I write something here for you all. :)
I missed seeing and being able to say good bye to all my church family, but God had a purpose for me leaving earlier than planned. And who am I to argue?
Please be in prayer for me while I am at Children's Vision that God will use me for His glory. And that I will be a blessing to the children and staff.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Not Giving Up
Kind of a strange name for this post, but its what I am doing at this very moment. I am not giving up. On what? This new little baby lamb who was born yesterday and somehow got milk replacer down in his lungs. Mom woke me up this morning asking Daddy why the lamb was kicking all over the box. And Daddy said he had swallowed some milk wrong last night, and then again when he was fed at 3 am. Well, I am sick and tired of losing lambs, so I jumped out of bed and began willing this guy to live. I've been thumping his poor ribs, trying to get the milk out, and holding his head down, hoping he can breath. There are moments when I think he's almost dead, and then I really get moving. I do not want this guy to suffer, but I also don't want him to die. I care about my lambs to much for that.
This year we thought we wouldn't get any lambs, because the time between when we bred them and when they should have lambed was over and done with. May to January is just a little long of a gestation cycle. But then on Sunday we were surprised to have 2 lambs out at the farm. They looked good, but the next day the one had died, and the other we brought to town, cause he needed some help stating to nurse. He is back with his mom, and looking really good.
And yesterday there was another little ram born, and he looks Big! And again last evening Daddy discovered triplets! 2 rams and 1 ewe! The mother claimed them all, but was only letting one ram nurse. So we had the 2 others in town overnight. Daddy is trying to see if the mother will take the ewe back. And you already know about the other ram.
When Daddy had told me the sheep weren't going to lamb this time around, I just looked at them and said 'No way, their to fat not to lamb'. And though it looked very unlikely we'd have any this winter, just look at them now! I've got 5 lambs, and more on their way in the very near future! I am not giving up!
This year we thought we wouldn't get any lambs, because the time between when we bred them and when they should have lambed was over and done with. May to January is just a little long of a gestation cycle. But then on Sunday we were surprised to have 2 lambs out at the farm. They looked good, but the next day the one had died, and the other we brought to town, cause he needed some help stating to nurse. He is back with his mom, and looking really good.
And yesterday there was another little ram born, and he looks Big! And again last evening Daddy discovered triplets! 2 rams and 1 ewe! The mother claimed them all, but was only letting one ram nurse. So we had the 2 others in town overnight. Daddy is trying to see if the mother will take the ewe back. And you already know about the other ram.
When Daddy had told me the sheep weren't going to lamb this time around, I just looked at them and said 'No way, their to fat not to lamb'. And though it looked very unlikely we'd have any this winter, just look at them now! I've got 5 lambs, and more on their way in the very near future! I am not giving up!
Monday, February 2, 2009
8 Days! ! !
Okay my dear friends the countdown is in full swing. I am only 8 days away from flying down to Bogota, Colombia. And if you could see how excited I am, you'd deny even knowing me. I could literally bounce off the walls, ceiling or moon if I tried. ! ! ! ! ! !
I am SO thankful to God for giving me this opportunity to serve him. Children's Vision has been on my heart for a long time, and to actually get to go there is so incredible.
Thank you to all the people who gave towards my trip, be it money or donations or prayers.
I am SO thankful to God for giving me this opportunity to serve him. Children's Vision has been on my heart for a long time, and to actually get to go there is so incredible.
Thank you to all the people who gave towards my trip, be it money or donations or prayers.
Monday, January 19, 2009
To Honor a Grandparent
Psalm 19
Psalm 19
To the chief musician, a Psalm of David.
:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
:2 Day unto day uttereth speech,
and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
:3 There is no speech nor language
where their voice is not heard.
:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.
:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it:
and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
:7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul:
the testimony of the Lord is sure: making wise the simple.
:8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart:
the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
:9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever:
the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
:10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
:11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there is great reward.
:12 Who can understand his errors?
cleanse thou me from secret faults.
:13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be upright,
and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
:14 Let the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord,
my strength, and my redeemer.
:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
:2 Day unto day uttereth speech,
and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
:3 There is no speech nor language
where their voice is not heard.
:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.
:5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
:6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven,
and his circuit unto the ends of it:
and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
:7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul:
the testimony of the Lord is sure: making wise the simple.
:8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart:
the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
:9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever:
the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
:10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold:
sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
:11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there is great reward.
:12 Who can understand his errors?
cleanse thou me from secret faults.
:13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me:
then shall I be upright,
and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
:14 Let the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord,
my strength, and my redeemer.
I have just committed this chapter of Scripture to memory, to honor my Grandma. As a Christmas present, I began reading the Bible to her everyday. We began on Psalm 1, and are as far as Psalm 70 now. When we came to this chapter, she requested I read it several times, because a long time ago she had memorized it, and as age often does, was now forgetting it. After reading it a few times over several days, she was able to recall much of it, saying it with me as I read.
Because I won't always have my Grandma with me, this chance to be with her, reading the Scriptures, is so precious. Up until just recently my attitude had caused a terrible rift in our relationship. I had gotten impatient with her, and disrespectful. And when I realized what this was doing to me, I repented and now our relationship is healing, and growing as it should.
I ask you, my friends to think about your relationships. Are you causing a rift with your grandparents, parents, sibling, cousins? Think about what your life would be without them. Probably pretty empty. You'd regret forever not spending time with them, just because you are to angry to forgive, or repent.
Don't waste time staying away. Trust me, you'll just miss out on a wonderful blessing.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Only a MONTH!!!
So my dear friends, it is only one month til I travel to Bogota, Columbia. And I am sooo EXCITED!!!!! I seriously could bounce off the moon!
But with the time getting so close, there's lots of stuff that needs doing to prepare. Like a plane ticket for one. My uncle, who flies for American Airlines is so kindly giving me a standby ticket. And I was to be riding with one of the ladies that runs CVII's home office here in the states, on AA. But now she and the rest of the group that are going down are going by Delta, because its cheaper. So I am in a dilemma, because I have flown only a few times, and going all the way down to Bogota by myself is REALLY scary. Mainly because my flight would get there an hour before the other peoples, and on the return trip leaves 2 hours before, or 4 after. And I don't know what the rules for loitering are in an international terminal.
SO I ask for your prayers in figuring everything out.
One of the mother's from church suggested I place a donations box in the back of church, for things I could take with me for CVII. So you, my dear readers get a heads up on that project. The kinds of things they need down there are clothes, shoes, bedding, towels, hygene items (boys deoderant, shaving stuff, toothpaste and brushes, soaps, scrubbies, etc), school supplies, and small simple toys (dolls, trucks/cars, yo-yos, jump ropes......)
I am making an especial appeal to my girlfriends. You know how we girls love to be pretty, to have beautiful things. Well, the teen and preteen girls at CVII are no different. But since most people who send donations to them think more along the lines of babies, and clothes, and the basic nessesities, these kind of things get easily overlooked. So my request girls is if you could help me give them the kinds of things we like. Body spray, lotions, hair thingies, simple jewelry, etc. Anything you like, they probably like too. And when they know you are thinking of them, they will appreciate it so much.
But with the time getting so close, there's lots of stuff that needs doing to prepare. Like a plane ticket for one. My uncle, who flies for American Airlines is so kindly giving me a standby ticket. And I was to be riding with one of the ladies that runs CVII's home office here in the states, on AA. But now she and the rest of the group that are going down are going by Delta, because its cheaper. So I am in a dilemma, because I have flown only a few times, and going all the way down to Bogota by myself is REALLY scary. Mainly because my flight would get there an hour before the other peoples, and on the return trip leaves 2 hours before, or 4 after. And I don't know what the rules for loitering are in an international terminal.
SO I ask for your prayers in figuring everything out.
One of the mother's from church suggested I place a donations box in the back of church, for things I could take with me for CVII. So you, my dear readers get a heads up on that project. The kinds of things they need down there are clothes, shoes, bedding, towels, hygene items (boys deoderant, shaving stuff, toothpaste and brushes, soaps, scrubbies, etc), school supplies, and small simple toys (dolls, trucks/cars, yo-yos, jump ropes......)
I am making an especial appeal to my girlfriends. You know how we girls love to be pretty, to have beautiful things. Well, the teen and preteen girls at CVII are no different. But since most people who send donations to them think more along the lines of babies, and clothes, and the basic nessesities, these kind of things get easily overlooked. So my request girls is if you could help me give them the kinds of things we like. Body spray, lotions, hair thingies, simple jewelry, etc. Anything you like, they probably like too. And when they know you are thinking of them, they will appreciate it so much.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! 2009 is here already? My how time does fly! It seems I was just excited about going to Oregon, and that was way back in February!
Memories are the only thing left of 2008. Some good, some not quite...
I rejoiced in the marriages of 3 of my dear friends, grimaced over getting braces, had fun adventures with friends, giggled for joy from having 30 baby lambs, cried when so many died, congratulated graduating friends, and celebrated my dear parents 25 years together, and experienced a revival of my heart.
Now my calender is empty, no photos of my adventures, memories unmade, ready for a new year. With God leading the way, 2009 is going to better than any before!
Memories are the only thing left of 2008. Some good, some not quite...
I rejoiced in the marriages of 3 of my dear friends, grimaced over getting braces, had fun adventures with friends, giggled for joy from having 30 baby lambs, cried when so many died, congratulated graduating friends, and celebrated my dear parents 25 years together, and experienced a revival of my heart.
Now my calender is empty, no photos of my adventures, memories unmade, ready for a new year. With God leading the way, 2009 is going to better than any before!
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