If anyone was a perfect match, it was them. These 2 wonderful people have been good friends since The Flood. (Well, not quite, just for like 12 or so years.)
From the story Kaytie told me, Dusty has planned to marry her since she was 16 (8 years ago), and was waiting til she was 21 to date her. They began dating then very shortly after her birthday last year, and then on July 11th he asked her to marry him.
Now, I must tell you a few things about this adorable couple. First off they were 8 or so when they met at Bible Camp-the same one my siblings and I go too every year. Pastor Neil, the camp director has been teasing poor Kaytie about Dusty ever since before I met them many years ago. Dusty was very careful never to let on that Pastor Neil was right about them. LOL!!!!!!
But, it wasn't only Pastor Neil that teased her, it was pretty much EVERYBODY at camp that knew them. Except me, I just let them be friends. Obviously, Kaytie was in the dark, so stop bothering her. Go tease the daylights out of Dusty for once!
Well, once they actually DID start dating, people stopped asking! Ironic. And hilarious. Course, being her friend, she told me the whole story. :)
AND I called it that Dusty would propose when he did. If you don't believe me, ask Katrina.
When Jonathan was home, and I learned of His proposal plans, I said to Katrina, "wouldn't it be so awesome and adorable if Dusty proposed this weekend too?" Never thinking he would. But then on Monday I get a voicemail on my phone from Kaytie. "Hi I was just calling to tell you that Dusty asked me to marry him this weekend, and I said yes." Let me tell you, I squealed and laughed the whole way home from work. WOOT WOOT!!!!!
When I talked to her on the phone shortly there after, she asked if I would be the photographer. Cause they had both liked the pictures I had taken for Anika's graduation. AHHHHH!!!! Me a wedding photographer?!?!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!
Several weeks later, Pastor Neil's church hosted a youth hiking trip in the Black Hills, and of course we (my family, Kaytie, Dusty, etc) were invited. And I was so afraid I'd spill the beans about them being engaged, cause they were going to tell Pastor Neil in person.
Well they finally did, and he was so happy. Some of the older gals that were also there, about killed us trying to get out of the van and over to Kaytie.
During the hiking trip they asked Pastor Neil to officiate, and then they began their "premarital counselling". :) lol.
So, finally the day before the wedding came, and I was there at the rehearsal. Which was a WHOLE bunch of fun!!! (If you knew Pastor Neil you would know what fun really is, then add Dusty and his brother Jason, and its even better.) Afterward, when they were giving their gifts to the wedding party, etc, Kaytie said she had learned a few things today. ...."and the next time we get married, Nehemiah[Torberson] is not allowed to be in the wedding." That was because he had made them late for the rehearsal.
I survived being the photographer, so maybe I'll make a business venture out of it. Thats a really big maybe, just so ya know.
Anika got mentioned during Pastor Neil's "personal remarks". It was because she had had to cover up that Dusty and Kaytie were dating, so they could tell him themselves, by pretending to not know anything. Like they were "just friends, nothing more." Pastor said "and up til a couple months ago, Anika Larson didn't believe it." Go Anika!
Anyways, that is my early October news. Maybe I will share some photos of them, if I can find some good ones. (I've been stealing photos of them since I got my camera, so I should have a bunch. :) )
edit: here is my absolute favorite one. (Pre Mrs Schuurmans' help on photo shop)
You should post some of their wedding pix!!!! Wedding pix are always soooooooo fun to see... :) Glad you survived! LOL.
that is soo cool!!!! you should post pictures or some how I have to see then sometime!! :) <3 glad you had fun!! :)
Yay Kaytie and Dusty!!
they are such a sweet couple!
Yep, thats right! we called that!! :P
btw i love that picture... you ought to post the ones you have of them, pre-wedding/dating.. :)
Great job, Cynthia!! Can't wait to see more!!
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