Monday, January 12, 2009

Only a MONTH!!!

So my dear friends, it is only one month til I travel to Bogota, Columbia. And I am sooo EXCITED!!!!! I seriously could bounce off the moon!
But with the time getting so close, there's lots of stuff that needs doing to prepare. Like a plane ticket for one. My uncle, who flies for American Airlines is so kindly giving me a standby ticket. And I was to be riding with one of the ladies that runs CVII's home office here in the states, on AA. But now she and the rest of the group that are going down are going by Delta, because its cheaper. So I am in a dilemma, because I have flown only a few times, and going all the way down to Bogota by myself is REALLY scary. Mainly because my flight would get there an hour before the other peoples, and on the return trip leaves 2 hours before, or 4 after. And I don't know what the rules for loitering are in an international terminal.
SO I ask for your prayers in figuring everything out.

One of the mother's from church suggested I place a donations box in the back of church, for things I could take with me for CVII. So you, my dear readers get a heads up on that project. The kinds of things they need down there are clothes, shoes, bedding, towels, hygene items (boys deoderant, shaving stuff, toothpaste and brushes, soaps, scrubbies, etc), school supplies, and small simple toys (dolls, trucks/cars, yo-yos, jump ropes......)

I am making an especial appeal to my girlfriends. You know how we girls love to be pretty, to have beautiful things. Well, the teen and preteen girls at CVII are no different. But since most people who send donations to them think more along the lines of babies, and clothes, and the basic nessesities, these kind of things get easily overlooked. So my request girls is if you could help me give them the kinds of things we like. Body spray, lotions, hair thingies, simple jewelry, etc. Anything you like, they probably like too. And when they know you are thinking of them, they will appreciate it so much.


Daniel and Rachel said...

I'm so happy that you will have this opportunity!!! :) I'm sure your time there will be very profitable.

As far as flying standby, it's really not that scary, even if you don't know too much about what you're doing. Just talk to your uncle and get him to explain what you need to do (writing things down helps) and when you're in the airport don't be afraid to ask someone who works there if you have any questions. 99% of the time they'll drop what they're doing to help you. Also I really doubt that you would get in trouble for being in the airport for awhile...Daniel and I spent 11 1/2 hours in the Ft. Lauderdale airport Sunday, trying to get home...people are ALWAYS missing flights, or having delays, or just a long wait between connecting flights, so if you were there for a few hours I doubt anyone would even notice. :)

Cynthia said...

Thank you Rachel for your encouragement! I have somewhat gotten over my extreme fear and nervousness. I'm praying it won't return when I'm actually the airport, cause that'd be bad. :)