AA Flight 804 Port-au-Prince to Miami Sunday, August 12
I have left my heart in Haiti. Josna, Jude, Jon Jon, Wislin, Kersendy, Dada, Becky, Marlie, Nana and Sam have all captured my heart. Josna and Wislin especially. I hope I can go back again. [soon]
Me with Josna |
Jude and Me |
We went to church with this them this morning. The church currently meets in someone's house, and is only about a month old. They have land for a church, but no building yet. I think a team from Florida is going down to help build it.
Church property |
They have about four Pastors, and they all spoke. Either with a prayer, or song leading, Scripture reading. Reggy is one of them. They did a lot of singing. And repeated the verses several times in each song. I recognized "Here I am to Worship" and that was it.
Becky | | |
Kersendy |
Brother Jacques had Sarah and I get up and say a few words. Nothing like being put on the spot. :)
Then Dr. Renner preached, with Brother Jacques translating. His text was Ephesians 4:17-32.
Sarah and I sat with the children on some very low, and very hard pews. Nana was falling asleep almost right away, and Wislin looked like he was.
Nana |
Sarah |
After church we gave the children the bubbles and bouncy balls. And also gave the church the leftover material from our VBS.
Riding back we had a few of the preachers with us. It was quite cozy. Brother Jacques said we were driving "Haitian Style."
Sam |
Jon Jon |
After packing up we went over to spend time with the children. And then it was time to go. It was so sad to leave. I was only there 5 days, but I love those children dearly.
Josna, Me and Nana |
Me with Wislin |
Me, Reggy and Sarah |
When we landed in Miami we had to wait an hour to reach our gate, because another plane was still there. The airport had been closed for an hour earlier that day, and the whole place was backed up. We ended up missing our flight to Minneapolis, and were put up by the airport in a really nice hotel, then flew up to NYC and on to Minneapolis. They were so nice the whole way too.
We knew God had a purpose in delaying us, and we kept reminding ourselves that "all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." And that His ways our higher than our ways. It was a wonderful time to praise the Lord for showing us that He will always take care of us, even when our plans change. We were able to visit with one lady who was having a very bad day due to missing her flight, and were able to give her a tract/booklet.
This trip was the best experience of my life. I pray that God will allow me to go again.
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