This entire week I have been having writers block. I couldn't think of a single thing to say! AHHH!!
SOOOO...... I decided to tell you about our house project. Way back in August of 2005 my Daddy thought of an idea for a new house. See, our house was old, and drafty, and Grandma would soon be needing more care than we could give her, living 13 miles away. And the house was not handicap accessible. So Daddy's idea was to build a new one, that Grandma would be able to live with us in. He didn't want Mom to feel burdened with having to care for her mother-in-law, so he asked God to give her the same idea, so he would know it was alright. And He did! Mom came to Daddy with the idea to build a house for all of us, including Grandma. He works in mysterious ways!
And so we got to work packing everything up. And while we were down in San Diego, CA for Jonathan's boot camp graduation, the house was demolished. We came back and all that was left was a huge pile of rubble.
Construction was started as soon as the old house was cleared away, and the right shaped basement was dug. The work continued all winter, and by January 2007 the basement was enclosed. The interior walls were not done though.
Then over the summer there was a major stand still, because the upstairs walls are made of strawbales, and we couldn't find any straw for sale. We got the rafters and roof on in the fall, and Daddy put tarp up along the outside, to keep the wind out so we could work from the inside all winter.
During the winter and spring he got most the straw bales in, and then this summer he built the loft area.
And now lots of work is getting done on the outside, and inside of the strawbale walls, so that before the winter hits we can get the walls stuccoed. To keep the stucco on the straw you need to attatch a kind of chicken wire to it. Oh, and all but 2 windows are installed as of Saturday!!!!
Things are definitely moving along, and we love giving tours! I think the current word is to move in by Christmas, but that depends on how much Daddy and Nathaniel can get done each time they get out there. Pray for good weather for them!
1 comment:
Wow! You guys have come a long way! Last time I saw it it was just a big dance floor on top. lol! Wow!
That would be awesome if ya'll moved in by Christmas! I soo wanna come down to see it. Keep working hard!
Luv ya!
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