Well, this is a new adventure!
A blog, an online diary, if you will. And here is my first ever entry! Scary huh?
I want to start this blog by explaining the reason behind its name.
My name, Cynthia, means "the moon" or "reflector of light". And like the moon reflects the light of the sun onto the earth, I, as a Christian am to reflect the light of the SON to the world. My life is to be a testimony of God's love, and redemption to a sin darkened world. And in this I often fail, miserably. So in choosing the name "Reflecting His Light" I want to be constantly reminded of my goal, to reflect the light of Christ.
I pray that this blog will be a blessing to its readers, and that many will come to know Christ through my testimony.
Haha, I'm a trendsetter...LOL. :) Anyway, nice blog!! And nice first post...don't worry, it's not scarry. ;)
Did you know my grandma's name is Cynthia as well? I really like the way you tied your name into your life-purpose and the name of your blog...I'll be looking forward to more great posts! ;)
P.S. I also get to be your very first follower...as well as your first comment!! :)
Hi Cynthia, I look forward to following your posts. I've already added you to my blog reader. This is my first comment, but I read several blogs. Happy writing! Aunt Miriam
Sweet! Cynthia's starting a blog too! Neat first post! I'll be looking forward to more! (check mine out too sometime!) =P Luv ya!
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